Monday, October 5, 2009

I'll Always Be...

I'll Always Be There and I'll Always Care; I'll Always Be Your Friend.

There are a thousand things I would like to be for you...but one of the most important is just being the someone you can talk to.

There are so many things I would like to do for you...and so many things I would like to say and give and share.

But for today, I jut want you to know that I promise to be your friend for life.

I'll always be there, and I'll always care.

There will always be a smile on my face!

Who knows what the future holds? Anything can happen _ we may be together, we may drift apart. Yet no matter what happens, I'll always have warm thoughts of you. And I know in my heart that in the future, no matter where I go, what I'm doing, or who I'm with, there is one thing I can assure you of: at any given moment, should a memory of you flash through my mind or if, for any reason, I should find myself thinking back to you, there will always be a smile on my face.